Friday, March 15, 2013

Newest one

I really enjoy doing the Zendala Dare at The Bright Owl. I must admit Erin's template this week gave me a challenge.

Monday, March 11, 2013

My galaxy

I had so much fun making this tank top I'm doing it on a long sleeve shit today. I found out how to do this here

Wednesday, March 6, 2013


Here is the Zendala for my class project I mentioned  in my last post. I'm going to scan the whole thing tomorrow.  I used the temple for the Zenadala Dare #47.

Friday, March 1, 2013

Class project

I am just about 4 months away from graduating with my AA in Addiction Studies. Which mean I'm studying to be a drug and alcohol counselor.  This quarter I'm taking the counseling 2 class and we have to do a presentation about one of our self defeating behaviors and how we are working on changing it. Its taken me almost all quarter but I finally figured how I'm presenting mine. My self defeating behavior is I'm a caretaker. I would rather help fix everyone else's problems instead of my own.  I started tangling to force in "me" time. And that is how I am working on changing my behavior. I use to be so busy doing things for others I never had time just to myself. So I am going to print out a pretty copy of my favorite version of the Serenity Prayer and do some small Zendalas on the page. Then put it in a nice frame. That way I can hang it up in my office once I get one. As soon as I finish it I'll scan it an post it here.

My favorite version of the Serenity Paryer:

God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change,
The courage to change the one I can,
And the wisdom to know that one is me.

Monday, February 25, 2013

Not so Zendala

Here is my Zendala for Zendala Dare #46. Even with all the issues I had with it I like it. Even though when I tried to add some blue to it and accidentally smeared it. That's what I get for using new pens without testing them on a different piece of paper.

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Not so Zen.. or was it?

Last night I started work on this weeks Zendala Dare. I got into a pretty bad argument last night with my ex before stating my dala. I figured working on it would relax me and calm me down. I got my template on my paper and went to work. Well, it just didn't work out so I tossed that one and started over. Again it wasn't going as I planed. But I didn't give up this time. I'm doing the full page template so it's the largest tangle I've done. I finished up the center part of it and.. wow I'll admit I was impressed with how it came out. I really like how my Tipple came out on is. Working larger made it easier to do. I haven't finished but I should be able to do that tonight.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Zendala Dare #45

Here is my very first Zendala! I found the Zendala Dare at The Bright Owl. I used the 80s collection of fine tip Sharpies. I love the colors in them, the only problem is the bleed a lil.

New Blog

I started this blog to share my Zentangles, random art, and my path to become an art therapist.